Research Department
Changing the world for people with developmental disabilities, one project at a time

The Research and Evaluation Unit at Surrey Place has been making significant research contributions to the field of developmental disabilities since 2004. By building our capacity to support these contributions, we’ve been able to educate, shape and transform the world around us. There are two main research themes that drive the work of the Unit: Health and Wellbeing and Improving Practice.
The results of our research have made a tremendous impact on the activities within Surrey Place and in the larger service system. Additionally, they have served as education for professionals, organizations, academic institutions and the general public. Our research activities have also provided concrete solutions that have directly benefited the health sector and improved the lives of people with developmental disabilities. We are proud to dedicate our research and evaluation activities towards improving the lives of people of all ages with developmental disabilities.
Current Projects and Opportunities
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Research Ethics Board
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What does the Health and Wellbeing research theme involve?
We study health and well-being of our clients and their families on systems and practitioner levels to better understand how it impacts their quality of life. We evaluate several factors including physical and mental health, personal development, Independence, inclusion, community support and the service system. Many of these projects are intended to influence government policy.
What does the Improving Practice research theme involve?
Our Unit examines programs and services to provide evidence to support the case for improvements of those services. We evaluate clinical processes and outcomes associated with them, as they pertain to our clients. We conduct program evaluations, program development and quality assurance initiatives.
Contact Us
Research Department
2701-777 Bay Street
Toronto, ON
M5G 2C8