Infant and Child Development Program
Getting children the early intervention support they need
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Getting early support for children with developmental disabilities is key to increasing the likelihood of successfully achieving child development outcomes and goals. The Infant and Child Development Program (ICDP) supports children from birth to school entry who have a developmental disability and/or risk of developmental delay. We offer welcoming, home-based programming that supports development and provides education and community information to parents, including:
- Consultation
- Individual support to parents
- Parent-child groups
- Parent training workshops
- Service coordination with other professionals
- Support during transitions to childcare or school
Our Developmental Consultants also work with caregivers to build their capacity to support their child’s development. Surrey Place is one of several Infant Development Program providers in the city of Toronto and across the province of Ontario. We are contracted by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS).

Wellness Events
Did you know that we offer free events for clients, caregivers and professionals?

Resource Library
Find accessible information developed by our clinicians to help you on your journey.