News & Stories
Cresa Toronto’s Donation to Surrey Place Centre Will Provide Important Augmentative Communication Supports to Infants, Children and Youth in the Toronto Region
Cresa Toronto’s donation will provide more infants, children, youth and their families and caregivers with faster access to critical aids, devices and supports
Innovative Clinical Work: Teaching A Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder To Request Information
Surrey Place clinician Frances Noto wrote an article about teaching a child with autism spectrum disorder to learn to request information
Help Raise Awareness and Acceptance for National Autism Awareness Month – Add “I Support” Twibbon Badge
We want help raise awareness and advocate for the needs of children, adults and families who are living with autism across the country
Ontario Government Continuing Support for Innovative Housing Solutions for People with Developmental Disabilities
Developmental Services Ontario Toronto Region helps adults with developmental disabilities find permanent housing as part of the Bridges to Housing program
New Research Published on the Health Concerns and Health Service Utilization in a Population Cohort of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Surrey Place staff co-author research that suggests a need to examine how health services can better address mental health issues in young adults with autism
Ministry of Children and Youth Services Investing in Community Partnership to Support Children and Youth Living with Autism
Ontario government invests in a community partnership to support children and youth living with autism through a mentorship program
Surrey Place Centre Welcomes Minister of Children and Youth Services Autism Announcement – Transforming Ontario Autism Services
Surrey Place comments on the ministry news of what families can expect with the new Ontario Autism Program
Surrey Place Centre Charitable Foundation Benefits from TELUS Match Program
Surrey Place Centre Charitable Foundation is honoured to receive a generous donation of $17,400 from the 2016 TELUS Match program
Surrey Place Centre Welcomes Ontario’s Announcement to Provide Direct Funding Option to Families as Part of the New Ontario Autism Program
Surrey Place Centre comments on the ministry news of direct funding option to families as part of the new Ontario Autism Program
Surrey Place Centre receives Accredited 2016-2020 decision from Accreditation Canada
Surrey Place Centre receives Accredited 2016-2020 decision from Accreditation Canada
Make A Call, Make A Difference
ReportON launched by the Ministry of Community and Social Services makes it easier to report abuse or neglect of adults living with a developmental disability.